Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I feel like this is becoming more of our family blog but I'm okay with that. This month was full of fun activities!  Before I tell you all about it I will give you an update on the kids. William is so fun and has a lot to say! Most of which no one can understand but he can say a few words and he does so with so much personality behind it. he says upppp!, noooo!, cracka, mom, dadda, baba, uh oh, and peponi (Tyler & London's favorite song). His cute little belly is starting to pop out because he is eating so well! I love it! We are making a bit of progress with fruits but failing at vegetables. He likes apples and has tried a couple strawberries. He is starting to drop his second nap which I'm not ready for. He only drinks a bottle before naps and bed. His oxygen levels this month have stayed about the same between 79-80. He is doing so well and thank Heavenly Father everyday for how well he is doing!
London is getting so big! I love it and it makes me sad that my baby is growing up so fast! She is at such a fun age - aside from the tantrums. She is so sweet, cute, creative, helpful, and pretty funny! She is so smart too! She knows her abc's, colors, shapes, animal (even a chinchilla - where did she learn this?), nursery songs, and she can trace her ABC's.  The other day she asked me what I was doing with the octagon sign I had for my Sunday school lesson. I love that she loves to learn and that she loves to pretend to read her books. She is obsessed right now with watching the Lion King and playing hide and seek. These are a must everyday.   

Like I said, we tried to get out alot this month and went on a lot of fun dates. I don't have a picture of it but Tyler and I have loved playing games almost every night while watching Sein Field or just talking. We are obsessed with Dominion and switch it up with settlers and skipbo. At the beginning of the month we spent one Saturday at Provo Beach Resort. The kids love playing arcade games, the carousel, and playing in their kid zone. London was so happy when Tyler redeemed all his game tickets for a unicorn.  
London and I had lots of tea parties:

Tyler and I had a couple date nights without the kids. We celebrated Kristee's birthday on the 11th at Ruth Chris. So yummy! We had a gift certificate to the Hale Center Theater so we went and saw Kiss and Tell. Then toward the end of the month we went with my family to Bill Cosby. We laughed so hard!

Valentine's weekend we decided to get away and spent Friday - Sunday in SLC with the kids. We ate lots of yummy food, did some shopping in Park City, showed the kids Temple square, watched the Olympics, and went swimming alot! The kids were in Heaven and were so good! Sunday we dropped the kids off at my parents and spent the night in some cute cabin up Ogden Canyon. It was such a fun and relaxing weekend

We also had Kaylee (London's cousin) come and stay with us for a couple days. The girls had so much fun together and we were lucky to have a couple warm days so we could go outside and let them run their energy off.

Anabelle (London's other cousin) turned 3 and had a birthday party. 

 We had a couple more warm days so we made sure to get out and go to the park and ride our bike around the track.  

I was unfortunate to get sick two separate times this month for a week at a time. I initially thought it was allergies from being outside but it was more than just a stuffy nose and sneezing. Luckily the kids were good and Tyler helped out a lot! Here is Tyler teaching the kids about animals for FHE, and a date night to Krispy Creme.