Sunday, November 10, 2013


William seems to create more and more energy everyday. It is so fun to see his personality come out. He is such a good baby and pretty happy most the time. He is a bit needy but I love that he lets me hold him. He loves walking around everything. He hasn't tried to walk or stand on his own but he loves to be standing against something all the time. He learned to say "heyo" (Hello) this month. I think because I'm always telling to say Hello to Tyler when he calls throughout the day. His oxygen levels dropped for a couple days at the end of the month to between 75-77. I thought that we would be putting him back on oxygen within the week but after a couple days they went back to 77-79.

At the beginning of October Tyler and I flew to Phoenix for the weekend. London stayed with Kim and Spencer and William with my parents. We also went to the Intermountain Healing Heart Birthday Party. It was up at Wheeler Farm. They had the kids come dressed up, treats, a costume parade and let the kids go on a hay ride. London was dressed as Doc McStuffins which I thought was very fitting and William went as a dinosaur.  There are also some pictures of Halloween at the end.

William's selfie

It's time for Christmas