Tuesday, February 4, 2014



We started the new year off with all of us getting the flu. We all got a nasty cough and stuffy noses. It didn't seem to bother William's energy much but I'm happy I decided to check his O2 because he was 67!!! We have an oxygen concentrator at home and tried to hook it to his face but that didn't work too well. He would pull it off before I could fully put it on. We called cardiology and they got IHHC to come bring a more powerful concentrator out so they can do what's called a blow by. We hooked a funnel to his line and connected it to his shirt and turned the machine up to 6 liters so that the oxygen would blow into his face. It worked much better. He was on oxygen for about 5 days. After getting over the his cold, William's was SATing all over throughout the month 77-87. Mostly high 70's-low 80's.

William is making a lot of progress with eating. I can tell that it is making a huge difference in how he feels. He will now eat oatmeal, quesadillas, pancakes, mac n cheese, and pb & J sandwiches. Now just to get him to eat his fruits and veggies.

This month Tyler & I celebrated our 4 year anniversary :) I can't believe we have 2 kids in 4 years! They bring us so much joy! Stessie came to visit and play with us. We spent a lot of time watching movies and playing on the kids playground. We went swimming at the rec center.  London and I built a snowman and had a snowball fight - she started it. It was so cute to hear her giggle so hard as she threw snow at me. She has been obsessed with "do you want to build a snow man" and every other song from frozen.  I also had to capture Tyler & London's bed time tradition. Graham crackers and milk. They both are a little bit obsessed. It's pretty cute!

Sorry the pictures are kind of blurry.